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Frequently Asked

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Will my insurance cover TrueFem services? 

TrueFem does not bill insurance directly. However, clients can request an invoice with the necessary information to submit a claim to their insurance company. We have partnered with Reimbursify for clients to easily submit your claims for out-of-network health insurance reimbursement from your smartphone. For more information, please contact us!

Why do I need this education? I've been tracking my own cycle for a while now.

Yes, tracking your cycle is important and a great place to start! There are countless apps, platforms and old-school calendars that women use to keep track of their periods. However, simply tracking your cycle is not an indicator of your health status. Do you know: What parameters are considered "normal" in your cycle? How long your period should be and type of bleeding? What your mucus says about your estrogen levels? Or, if your luteal phase is sufficient or not in length? And here is the kicker... do you know if you are ovulating or not? Believe it or not, your cycle health is not about your period— it's about ovulation, the central event of a functioning reproductive system. All these topics are covered in our educational programs and will empower each and every woman to advocate for optimal health care. 

How exactly does TrueFem teach me about my body? 

There are a number of fertility awareness based methods (FABMs) that utilize different female biomarkers to track fertility as an alternative to hormonal birth control. TrueFem educators utilize the FEMM fertility care program (Fertility Education & Medical Management). It is a comprehensive women’s health program that:

  • teaches women to understand their bodies and how to recognize hormonal and other vital signs of health.

  • provides women with support through its free FEMM Health App to help women track their health and reproductive goals.

  • provides accurate medical testing and treatment based on new research and medical protocols.

  • continues to conduct research to provide women with the latest diagnostic tools and treatments for their health.

  • offers training to individuals so that they can teach FEMM health tracking to women and training to medical professionals in the FEMM methods and protocols. 



FEMM understands the central role of reproductive endocrinology in the management of women’s health. The goal of using FEMM is to empower women in the achievement of their health and reproductive goals by helping them gain a better understanding of their biology and monthly cycles. FEMM physicians can provide a comprehensive physical and lab workup to diagnose and treat the root causes of health conditions. Learn more about FEMM at 

Does TrueFem offer seasonal or periodic discounts for services? 

TrueFem will periodically offer discounts, especially when launching new courses we want feedback on. We truly believe fertility education holds its value and that every woman should have access to fertility education. Therefore, for every payment we receive for services, a small percentage is set aside in our scholarship fund. Anyone seeking educational services can inquire about financial assistance. Simply send us an email and we will give you more details on scholarship eligibility. 


For non-profit organizations seeking small group education, we encourage leaders to reach out to us about payment options that promote financial stewardship (i.e. flat fee vs. fee-per-participant options). 

Does TrueFem promote the use of hormonal contraceptives?

Simply put, TrueFem does not promote the use of hormonal contraceptives for various health reasons. For years, the pharmaceutical industry has monopolized women's health and provided medication solutions for symptom management without treating root-cause medical problems. We believe fertility is a sign of health, and artificial alterations of reproductive hormones can have long-term, negative effects on overall health and wellness. Therefore, TrueFem promotes proactive, education-based fertility awareness to find the root cause of medical issues and treat more than symptoms. Fertility education is first and foremost concerned with achieving optimal health.

Can I learn how to track my fertility if I am postpartum or breastfeeding?

Cycle tracking while breastfeeding, though challenging, is absolutely possible! For first time tracking, it is important to understand physical biomarkers and to identify when fertility is resuming after birth. Though charting can be confusing and difficult, tracking changes in biomarkers post-baby helps women get back-on-track with their hormones. 

Does the teen curriculum promote the use of contraceptives and "safe sex?" 

Our teen curriculum is focused on prevention, education-based methods of instruction. TrueFem does not promote the use of contraceptives nor push "safe sex" practices. We believe that education is empowerment for young girls and teens learning about their bodies, understanding their hormones and realizing their fertility unfolds throughout their teenage years and is a gift to protect. We encourage all teens to exercise personal agency in their decision making and help them to understand that changes in hormones can affect decisions throughout the different phases of their cycles. We encourage mothers or caregivers to be educated on the FEMM cycle tracking approach as well to support their teenage girls to advocate for their health and fertility. TrueFem does educate about the negative effects of sexually transmitted infections and the health implications for future fertility when left untreated. 

How does TrueFem refer for medical management? 

If a TrueFem instructor identifies that a woman is a candidate for medical management, they will connect the client with resources for either in-person FEMM certified physician referrals (based on location) or telemedicine options. TrueFem has a network of physicians and nurse practitioners that utilize Fertility Based Awareness Methods (FABMs) including FEMM, Creighton and the Neo Fertility methods. TrueFem educators will ensure women needing medical management are connected with a provider who can get to the root of problems made known through charting. 

© 2025 by TrueFem LLC

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